This is just a list of publications from the last few years, listed in chronological order (most recent at the top). You can also visit my profiles on ResearchGate or Google Schoolar.
- Exploring potential digital technologies for history education // Renewing History Education to Uphold Democracy. Council of Europe. 2024
- The role and influence of the internet in history education // Critical History Study Guide. EUROCLIO. 2023
Scientific and professional articles
- Umjetna inteligencija, ChatGPT i poučavanje Povijesti // Poučavanje povijesti, 2 (2023), 1; 52-65
- Prepoznaju li učitelji povijesti rukopis umjetne inteligencije // Poučavanje povijesti, 2 (2023), 2; 85-92 [translated: Do history teachers recognize the handwriting of artificial intelligence]
- Korištenje igranih filmova u poučavanju o holokaustu // Poučavanje povijesti, II (2023), 2; 38-52
- Evaluating Digital Resources in Teaching History
- Europske vrijednosti u hrvatskom kurikulumu Povijesti // Danubius noster, XI (2023), 2; 81-90. doi: 10.55072/DN.2023.2.81
- Futurology methods as an upgrade of history teaching // Didactic Challenges IV: Futures Studies in Education. Osijek: Fakultet za odgojne i obrazovne znanosti Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku ; Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti (HAZU) ; Centar za znanstveni rad u Vinkovcima, 2023. str. 744-751
- The Reality of Digital Teaching of History in Croatia // Proceedings of the 46th International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO). Rijeka: Hrvatska udruga za informacijsku i komunikacijsku tehnologiju, elektroniku i mikroelektroniku – MIPRO, 2023. str. 607-610. doi: 10.23919/MIPRO57284.2023.10159774
- Europske vrijednosti u hrvatskom kurikulumu Povijesti // Danubius noster, XI (2023), 2; 81-90. doi: 10.55072/DN.2023.2.81
- Biti učitelj povijesti – vodič za preživljavanje početnika // Poučavanje povijesti
- Mijenja li novi kurikulum budućnost interdisciplinarnog poučavanja povijesti? // Interdisciplinarnost u teoriji i praksi. Osijek: Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, 2022. str. 139-159
Textbooks and workbooks
Author and editor:
- Zašto je povijest važna? 4 [Why is history important? 4] – history textbook in the 4th grade of high (grammar) school [banned in December 2023]
- Zašto je povijest važna? 1 [Why is history important? 1] – history textbook in the 1st grade of high (grammar) school
- Vremeplov 8 [Time machine 8] – history textbook for the 8th grade of elementary school
- Vremeplov 8 [Time machine 8] – history workbook for the 8th grade of elementary school
- Vremeplov 8 [Time machine 8] – workbook for students with learning disabilities in the 8th grade of elementary school
- Vremeplov 7 [Time machine 7] – history textbook for the 7th grade of elementary school
- Vremeplov 7 [Time machine 7] – history workbook for the 7th grade of elementary school
- Vremeplov 6 [Time machine 6] – history textbook for the 6th grade of elementary school
- Vremeplov 5 [Time machine 5] – history textbook for the 5th grade of elementary school
- Zašto je povijest važna? 3 [Why is history important? 3] – history textbook in the 3rd grade of high (grammar) school
- Zašto je povijest važna? 2 [Why is history important? 2] – history textbook in the 2nd grade of high (grammar) school
- Sociologija [Sociology] – sociology textbook in the 3rd grade of high (grammar) school
- Vremeplov 8 [Time machine 8] – workbook for students with learning disabilities in the 8th grade of elementary school
- Vremeplov 7 [Time machine 7] – workbook for students with learning disabilities in the 7th grade of elementary school
- Vremeplov 6 [Time machine 6] – workbook for students with learning disabilities in the 6th grade of elementary school
- Vremeplov 6 [Time machine 6] – history workbook for the 6th grade of elementary school
- Vremeplov 5 [Time machine 5] – history workbook for the 5th grade of elementary school
- Inspektorat koncentracijskih logora // Ha-Kol, 183. Zagreb: Židovska općina Zagreb, 2024. 23-26
- Nijanse Braunschweiga // Ha-Kol, 182. Zagreb: Židovska općina Zagreb, 2023. 49-52
- Marek Edelman – vječiti ustanik // Ha-Kol, 178. Zagreb: Židovska općina Zagreb, 2023.
- Dvadeseti stručni skup o poučavanju i učenju o Holokaustu // Ha-Kol, 178. Zagreb: Židovska općina Zagreb, 2023. 27-28
- Logor Drancy //
- etc.