2024. | | |
October | Clionaut Akademija | Basics of Artificial Intelligence for Historians |
September | Clionaut Akademija | Using drawings and illustrations in teaching History |
August | Powell Advanced Summer Institute | Holocaust in Croatia |
May | Platforma Klio | The potential and limitations of artificial intelligence in teaching history |
April | Platforma Klio | Artificial intelligence – an introduction for history teachers |
April | European innovation days in history education (Council of Europe) | Exploring the potential of emerging digital technologies for enhancing history education |
March | Platforma Klio | Historiana e-activity builder – a specialized digital tool for teaching history |
February | Shoa Academy (Zagreb Jewish Municipality) | Teaching about the Holocaust from the perspective of professional and personal development |
January | Platforma Klio | What is the holocaust? |
January | Platforma Klio | Examples of teaching the Holocaust in History classes |
2023. | | |
15.3. | Digital Bootcamp, Križevci | Online komunikacija |
8.3. | Second forum on History Éducation, Council of Europe, Brussels | The consequences of digital age on history education |
2022. | | |
16.11. | Magyar Tudomány Ünnepe, Baja, Hungary | Europske vrijednosti u hrvatskom kurikulumu Povijesti |
5.11. | International Interdisciplinary 2nd Congress of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research: “Challenges of Education” | Poučavanje povijesti i oblikovanje identiteta pojedinca u Hrvatskoj |
19.10. | 13th Shoa Academy, Jewish Municipality of Zagreb | Razvoj učiteljskih kompetencija za poučavanje o Holokaustu |
11.10. | New Media Pedagogy: research trends, methodological challenges and successful implementations | Evaluating digital resources in teaching history |
8.10. | Scientific gathering DAYS OF DOCTORAL STUDENTS: Educational sciences and educational perspectives | Futurološka pismenost hrvatskih učitelja |
27.5. | International Conference Didactic Challenges IV: Futures Studies in Education | Futurološke metode kao dogradnja poučavanja povijesti |
21.5. | Sodobni pogledi na izobraževanje v prihodnosti, Šmartno pri Slovenj Gradcu, Slovenija | Digitalni hrčki – vplivi pandemije na sodobno poučevanje |
13.5. | ICT in life (online) | History in the jaws of the internet |
9.5. | Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek | Digitalni udžbenici u Hrvatskoj – gdje smo 2022. godine |
4.3. | 13th days of anti-fascism in Opatija | Obrazovne politike i antifašizam: Kako poučavati o antifašizmu pristupi i problemi |
18.1. | Profil Klett (online) | Povijesni rječnik u pandemijskoj svakodnevici |
2021. | | |
28.12. | County Expert Council for Civic Education of Brod-Posavina County | Povijesni rječnik u pandemijskoj svakodnevici |
17.11. | Eötvös József Főiskola, Baja, Hungary | Studentska vizija budućnosti školskoga predmeta Povijest |
8.11. | Faculty of Educational Sciences, Osijek | Bioetika u budućnosti Povijesti |
5.11. | Faculty of Philosophy Osijek | Mijenja li novi kurikulum budućnost interdisciplinarnog poučavanja povijesti? |
10.9. | Faculty of Educational Sciences, Osijek | Usporedba prezentacije baštinskih tema u udžbenicima Povijesti za osnovnu školu |
Jun 21 | Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, Belgrade, Serbia | Kako predavati raspad jedne zemlje |
| Public institution memorial area Jasenovac | Spomen područje Jasenovac – odgojno-obrazovna prilika |
2020. | | |
2020. | Embassy of the United States Zagreb, Documenta | Optimističan pogled na budućnost edukacije o holokaustu |
2020. | Academy of Korean Studies, Seongnam, Južna Koreja | Far away on the other side |