EUROCLIO published an article “Bridging the Past and Future: The Impact of AI on History Education – A Journey into AI-Enhanced History Teaching” and I have some comments.

Historian | Educational consultant | Holocaust Educator | Textbook author/editor |
Historian | Educational consultant | Holocaust Educator | Textbook author/editor |
EUROCLIO published an article “Bridging the Past and Future: The Impact of AI on History Education – A Journey into AI-Enhanced History Teaching” and I have some comments.
This Study Guide was developed as part of the project Critical History: Adapting history education to the challenges of today’s digitized, globalized, and diverse societies in Europe. An Erasmus+ Project (2020-1-EE01-KA201-077997), the project was led …
This week, I participated in the “The Consequences of Digital Age on History Education” round table as part of the “History Education in the digital age” forum. Together with Steven Segers (EuroClio) and Rūta kazlauskaitė …
The IHEA project team participated on August 24 in an educational program for Polish teachers at the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam. Richard Kennett, Helen Snelson, Pascal Tak, and Miljenko Hajdarović conducted workshops for 32 …
At the end of August, the second working meeting of the expert team for the project “Innovative History Education for All” was held in The Hague. This three-year project is part of the long-term development …